EU Missions: Europe‘s answer to challenges of our time


The EU is investing 90 million euros in 17 new research projects, which will support the EU Mission „ A Soil Deal for Europe“ and will all follow the goal to restore and protect the soil in Europe till 2030.
The Mission Soil is one of the five missions, implemented by the EU in the frame of the program Horizon Europe. Austria is involved in the new projects LOESS, SOILL and DeliSoil. LOESS for instance should increase the knowledge of business actors regarding the soil quality by the means of an operative educational system.
Basicly is the task of the Mission to establish „Living Labs“ and lighthouses in order to ensure the health of the European soil , so that it can provide important eco system services, for instance the production of food products.
Besides there are also four other Missions. The Mission Climate has the goal to make the European countries in the next seven years more resilient against the challenges of the climate changes.
The Mission Cancer should improve the living age and living quality of the cancer patients and provide an adequate access to the cancer treatment in the whole Europe.
The goal of the Mission Ocean is to clean the oceans and waters by 2030 from pollution and to establish again damaged ecosystems and the living space.
The Mission Cities will make 100 towns in Europe clima neutral, they will be afterwards the examples for other towns to become clima neutral, too.