Europe, common heritage

In September the doors of numerous memorials and institutions are opening in 48 European countries.The European Heritage Days are offering to the interested visitors a wide program of events, which enable a free of charge learning of the cultural heritage of our continent.
The European Heritage Days /EHD) are the biggest participatory event in Europe. The Council of Europe brought them to life in 1985, from 1999 the European Commission joined their performance. Every year in September there are numerous EHD events going on in the countries which are members of the European Cultural Convention. The events are also called European Open Days.



This year‘s theme of the EHD is named „Living Heritage“ , where special emphasis is given to the customs, knowledge and skills , which were passing from generation to generation and are in use still today. Traditional dances, music and handcrafts are all examples of the living heritage, which we can get to know not only from the books, it is necessary to experience it in order to understand this heritage better.
The EHD are an important initiative to the preservation and support of the European cultural heritage, which prove that Europe has a lively and varied cultural wealth, that is worth to be discovered and preserved.