G20-Summit: EU is taking pioneer role in points climate, infrastructure and AI


In New Delhi there was held already the 18th meeting of the G20-Summit on 9th and 10th of September 2023. In the Indian capital the EU made clear that it is taking part of the international game. Ursula von der Leyen and the President of the Council of the EU Charles Michel advocated ambitious climate goals, the building of the infrastructure and protection of the global digital order.

The EU took the pioneer role in the battle against climate changes. Von der Leyen prepared the G20-Summit to notify the ambitious climate plans. In the final declaration of the Summit it was agreed that the warming of the earth would be limited to less than 1,5 degrees by 2023. The capacity of renewable energy will be tripled, the enery efficiency will be doubled.

Besides the EU presented two railway projects. Railway connection India- Near East- Eastern Europe should be in this moment the most direct connection between India, Near East and Europe and would enable around 40% faster transport of goods.

The second project concerns Transafrican corridor, which should ensure a connection between the port Logito in Angola with region Katanga in Congo and Zambia. The purpose of this project is to enable the inland African countries the connection with the sea.

Additionally the EU applied itself for the protection of the global digital order. Artificial intelligence (AI) has a significant potential for innovations and prosperity, however it also brings big risks. The EU is aware ot this fact, therefore it suggests the foundation of a world council for the artificial intelligence.