The number of registrated asylum seekers has decreased

According to Eurostat, the statistical office of  the EU, the number of registred asylum seekers in 2018 decreased  in comparision to the previous year. All together in EU 333.400 people were qualified  as entitled  to protection, out of them the major part  (29 percents) were Syrian citizens, next were Afgan citizens  (16 percents) and Iraqis (7 percents). The majority of positively  solved applications were  in Germany, namely 139.000, in Italy 47.900 and in France 41.400. In relation with the number of inhabitants Austria with  totally 20.700 persons accepted the most asylum seekers, next were  Sweden and Germany. The least positively solved applications  in comparision to the number of inhabitants were in Poland and Slovakia. From all together positively  solved applications  for support 49 percents of persons acquired the status of refugee, 30 percents subsidiary support and the rest the residence permit due to the humanitarian reasons.